jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

Digital Folder


2. Vocabulary
A_ Looking at the story 
1- Are Adults
2- Are born 3 babyes at the same time when have triplets.
3- A journey it's a long trip.
4- A horse and a donkey are parents of a mule.
5- A shack it's a small and a roughly built
6- It's something easy to see.
7- Mrs. Albinas' Religión doesn't permit birth control.
8- A orphanage it's a home with childrens who doesn't have parents.
9- They take the boys into their family.
10- Mrs. Albinas wants god to consider her age.

B_ Looking at special expressions
1- C _ The Albinas can't keep track of their children's address, names and ages
2- B _ He used a small notebook to keep track of his expenses.
3- A _ Could I used your telephone? I'll keep track of my long-distance calls and pay you for them later.
4- F _ It's understable that the Albinas aren't sure where all their children are. After all, they have 53 children.
5- D _ I'm not surprised they did well on the English test. After all, they've studied English for over six years.
6- E _ I know she hasn't finished the work, but after all, she's very busy.
7- H _ Mr. and Mrs. Albinas have so many childrens that they ran out of names for them all.
8- I _ I can't make the cake because I've run out of flour.
9- G _ He couldn't finish the test because he ran out of time.

3. Comprehension/Reading skills
A_ Understanding the main ideas
1- C _ 55: a mother, a father, and their 53 children.
2- C _ twins or triplets.
3- C _ poor.
4- C _ it is against their religión.
5- B _ she promised that she would always take care of her children herself
6- A _ yes.

B_ Scanning for information
1- The Albinas married when Mrs. Albina was 12 years old and Mar. Albina was 29. 30
2- The first 24 children were boys. 21
3- The Albinas spent the early years of their marriage in Peru. Argentina
4- Then they decided to move to Bolivia. Chile
5- The Albinas and their sons made the three-week journey across the Andes Mountains on mules. Two-week 
6- During a snowstorm Mrs. Albina gave birth to twins. Triplets
7- Mrs. Albinas now has 14 more girls. 16
8- The Albinas live in a two-room shack in Santiago, Chile. Colina
9- Mrs. Albinas and her brothers lived together at the orphanage until they were four. Three
10- There are two Miriams. Three

4. Discussion
1- Me: My mother have 1 brother. My Classmate: Her mother have 2 brothers, 3 sisters
2- Me: My father have 1 brother and 2 sisters. My Classmate: Her father have 2 brothers.
3- Me: I have 1 sister. My Classmate: She have 1 brother.
4- Me: Yes I want to have childrens someday. Five children. My Classmate: She doesn't want any children.
5- Me: They are 3 children in the ideal family. My Classmate: There are 2 children.
6- Me: Most famiy have 2, 3 or 4. My Classmate: Most family have 2.
7- Me: Smaller. My Classmate: Smaller.
8- Me: Yes. My Classmate: Yes.
9- Me: No. My Classmate: No.

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

La noticia que más me Impacto

El último adiós a Jorge Ibáñez en el cementerio de la Recoleta

El repentino fallecimiento del diseñador dejó perplejos a todos quienes le tenían un enorme aprecio. El 16 de Marzo fueron velados sus restos y este 17 a la mañana tiene lugar el entierro. El féretro salió a las 11:44 de la sala velatoria, una hora después de lo que se había anunciado. Los presentes aplaudieron a la salida del auto que trasladó los restos del diseñador.

El cortejo fúnebre llegó a la Recoleta a las 12:30, donde fue recibido por un gran cantidad de personas, que volvieron a aplaudir cuando arribó el coche. Los restos fueron llevados a la Iglesia Nuestra Señora del Pilar por su padre, el esposo de Flor de la V y algunos de sus más íntimos.
Luego de una misa de 20 minutos, su cuerpo volvió a ser trasladado a donde descansará para siempre, en el nicho 45, de la galería número 21, esta vez la misma Flor de la V sostuvo el féretro, junto a toda la familia del modisto.

Recordemos que Ibáñez, una de las figuras más importantes de la moda de nuestro país, perdio la vida el viernes a causa de una cardiopatía, según dictaminaron los resultados de la autopsia. Jorge fue encontrado por su empleada doméstica en su cama, con ropa deportiva, ya que se estaba preparando para su rutina de ejercicios. Se estima que falleció entre las 8 y 9 de la mañana. Sin dudas, se trata de una de las pérdidas más sentidas por todo el ambiente artístico.

Para mas información ver la fuente: Click Aqui

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

Bienvenido 2014! :D

Adiós al 2013 y demosle la bienvenida a este hermoso 2014! Empecemos este año lleno de paz y armonía, con toda la voluntad para lograr cumplir nuestras metas y objetivos! ;*